Current index: 0

This is not super reliable but if you are confident all the screenshots started out as the same size it can allow you to use a size other than @thumb

Load existing file


  • DSLR: grep -o "DSC_\d\d\d\d\.jpg" | xargs -I '%' cp "/Volumes/WD Tower/Picture Archive/2021/2021-08-21/EXPORTS/%" ./%
  • iPhone: grep -o "..._\d\d\d\d\.jpeg" | xargs -I '%' cp "/Volumes/WD Tower/Picture Archive/2021/2021-08-21/EXPORTS/%" ./%
  • Steam: grep -o "\d*.jpg" ~/Developer/ame/input/2021-00-Valheim/ | xargs -I '%' cp "./%" ~/Developer/ame/input/2021-00-Valheim/% Navigate to the screenshot photos and copy the files to the input directory to avoid complications with xargs and whitespace and parentheses in the screenshot path.


  • Ability to edit existing posts; maybe not possible due to how the filesystem is sandboxed? Could put in place holders but then what's the point. Google Chrome filesystem API? Redo in Swift?
    • 2022/04/12: Added simple editing mechanism. Looks up already published photos by their @thumb size
  • Mode that adds to the top of existing posts