Photo Book Inventory

Photo books I have owned / borrowed in no particular order.

  1. 9780947322120 Dupain’s Sydney by Jill White

  2. 9781884167058 RFK Funeral Train photographs by Paul Fusc

  3. 9780999243008 Just Yannis by Harold Evans and Yannis Behrakis

  4. 9780525560029 Of Love & War by Lynsey Addario

    I also greatly enjoyed her appearance on Radiolab for the episode Sight Unseen.

  5. 9781580931465 Subway Memories by by Camilo José Vergara

  6. 9780714843087 Red Color News Soldier by Li Zhensheng

    Possibily my favorite book on this list so far.

  7. 9781426201981 Photo Nomad by David Douglas Duncan

    This book is a window in to a world that is completly foreign to me, such as this one:

    One hour later—eyes drilling straight into my gizzard—slowly turning my prints—asking had I any snow shots…you know…Santa Claus country…no! How about flying to Boston Monday? I saw that page on Helen and Joe. Have you been in a big plane, TWA’s two-engine job? Take our old company Pontiac - warm clothes - drive through New England shooting whatever you want - BUT - always – remember: leave space for our Merry Christmas to run across the bottom of our next greeting cards.

    Cal Eby was editing my pumpkin story when I went to thank him.

    My snow shots became Hallmark’s first gift box of photographs.

    Many of the captions are completly lost on me but they’re made up for by the photos.

  8. 9781633451049 Dorothea Lange Words and Pictures by Dorothea Lange, Sarah Meister

  9. 9780500292914 Magnum Contact Sheets by Kristen Lubben


  1. 0143128418 It’s What I Do: A Photographer’s Life of Love and War by Lynsey Addario

    My first introduction to Lynsey Addario’s work, I ploughed through this book over a weekend senior year of college.

  2. 1620405555 Group f.64 by Alinder, Mary Street